On its 13 October 2023 meeting in Prague, WFEO’s Executive Council approved the Laureates for the following WFEO awards, based on the recommendation from the Awards Committee.
The 2023 WFEO GREE Women in Engineering Award
The WFEO Gree Women in Engineering Prize was attributed to Prof. Yandan Lin, professor at the School of Information, Science and Technology of Fudan University.
Yandan Lin received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the Department of Light Sources & Illuminating Engineering, Fudan University in 1999 and 2005, respectively. She also received PhD education in Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany, based on the DAAD Joint PhD Program. She is now a full professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University.
Her research interests include visual comfort, color vision, and human-centric lighting. She has been awarded more than 30 funding projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Special Projects for China Commercial Aircraft and Railway Vehicles. She is the Chair of CIE TC 1-91 (Color Quality of White Light) , Chinese representative for CIE Div4, Chairman of the Intelligent Transportation Lighting Committee of China Illuminating Engineering Society,member of SAC/TC114 and SAC/TC224, Chairman of The China International Automotive Lighting Forum(IFAL), and is active in the field of color vision and lighting.
For more information:
The 2023 Hassib J. Sabbagh Award for Engineering Construction Excellence
The WFEO CCC H.J. Sabbagh Prize for Excellence in Engineering Construction was attributed to the project “Demonstration Building with Solar Photovoltaic-Electricity-Thermal Sequential Conversion (Building No. 7 of the i-Harbour campus), Xi’an Jiatong University, China” nominated by the China Association for Science and Technology.
To achieve future-oriented experimental research and talent training in the field of Zero-net carbon building design, the faculties and students from School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering (HSCE), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China jointly and independently designed the project of Building 7 of the iHarbour campus of XJTU. This project maximized the value of building performance through a variety of innovative designs.
For more information:
Short presentation of the project
Detailed presentation of the project
The 2023 WFEO Medal for Excellence in Engineering Education
The WFEO Medal for Excellence in Engineering Education was attributed to Prof. Sally Male (Australia). Prof. Male is an engineering teacher at Melbourne University, and was nominated by Engineers Australia.
Professor Sally Male has committed her career to providing engineering students of all backgrounds the best possible opportunity to develop capabilities and attributes to lead successful lives contributing to a well-functioning society. She has achieved this through industry-engaged teaching and research, and through leadership in engineering education research, especially on curriculum development, industry engagement and inclusion. Male has made wide-reaching contributions to enhancing engineering education across Australia and internationally.
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