The WFEO National member of Spain, Instituto de la Ingenieria de España (IIE), celebrated the WFEO 50th Anniversary with a Symposium on “Engineering challenges: Our contribution to the accomplishment of UN’s SDG 6 – Water“, in Madrid, Spain, between 28 February and 1st March 2018.
WFEO President Dr. Marlene Kanga attended the forum and spoke about the strategic goals of the organisation to progress the UN Sustainable Development Goals through engineering projects, including those relating to water.
The forum recognised and honoured the contributions of two past WFEO presidents from Spain, José Medem Sanjuán and Ms Maria Jesús Prieto Laffargue. Experts from Spain and Portugal spoke on various aspects of water management in their countries.
The Symposium was led by IIE President Carlos del Alamo and other eminent speakers included Liana Ardiles Lopez Director General, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), Spain, Youssef Filali Meknassi, a specialist in the UNESCO International Hydroglogical programme, Alphonso Gonzalez President, WCCE and Tomas Sancho, IIE representative to WFEO.
The World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) launched the fourth item in its series of Water Monographies. These deliver insights on the different topics addressed annually by UN Water and are very essential to understanding issues relating to the UN SDG 6 – Water. The WCCE Water Monographies series, Volume I – Issues I to IV – in English and Spanish, is available from the links below:
Water & Cooperation / La Cooperation en la esfera del Agua
Water & Energy / Agua y Energía
Water & Sustainable Development / Agua y Desarrollo Sostenible
Water & Economy / Agua y Economía
The Forum was concluded with the signing of a declaration by WFEO, IIE and a number of other institutions on “Water – The Future We Want” – expressing the commitment of engineers in Spain and Portugal to sustainable development for water. The Declaration is available here
For more information:
Instituto de la Ingenieria de España (IIE) website
World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) website
The WFEO/FMOI 50th Anniversary Madrid Declaration: English version – version española
Signature of the Madrid Declaration “Water – The Future We Want” article (version española)
Engineering challenges: Our contribution to the accomplishment of UN’s SDG 6 – Water article (version española)