The International Forum on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Futures of Education (AIED) 2020 was successfully held between 7 and 8 December 2020 in Beijing in a hybrid form, with the theme “Developing Competencies for the AI Era”. The Forum was co-organized by UNESCO, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO.
The International Forum convened education and technology experts from around the world to discuss AI skills for the futures of education and AI as a common good for education.
WFEO President Prof. GONG Ke made the keynote speech “AI and Education- pursuing positive interaction of them” on the special session: Consultation on the Futures of Education (available by clicking in the below video)
The AIED Forum 2020 follows up on the International Conference on AI and Education (Beijing, May 2019) which resulted in the first international consensus on AI and education, the Beijing Consensus.
For more information:
All video recordings of the Forum
International Forum on AI and the Futures of Education website
Concept note of the Forum – In English / In French / In Chinese