News & Reports

ICACIT Symposium on Engineering Education

The International Accrediting Agency Specialized in Engineering, Computing and Technology Programs of Peru (ICACIT) hosted the 7th International Symposium on Accreditation of Engineering and Computing Education – Symposium ICACIT 2021 on 4-5 November 2021 in virtual format.

ICACIT is the first Latin American agency to sign the International Engineering Alliance Washington Accord and the Lima Accord. It is also a member of the European Network for Engineering Accreditation – ENAEE, agreements that bring together the most prestigious engineering accreditation agencies in the world.

The ICACIT symposium is the most important event in accreditation and education in engineering and computing in Latin America. The objective is to share work and experience in continuous improvement of educational quality, accreditation and education of the areas in Computing, Engineering and Technology. Professionals from academia, industry and government involved in the training of engineers participated in the event.

Immediate Past President Dr Marlene Kanga gave a Keynote Presentation on the “IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC – V04)” available in this link.

The speech was on the recently revised Framework that was approved by the International Engineering Alliance in June 2021.

Further information is available from

The commencement of the presentation on the recently reviewed GAPC Framework at the ICACIT Symposium.

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