
Celebrating WFEO 50th anniversary and membership of Myanmar Engineering Council and Myanmar Engineering Society

WFEO celebrated its 50th anniversary and the membership of its latest national member, the Myanmar Engineering Council and associate organization, Myanmar Engineering Society at a series of meetings and a gala dinner in Yangon, Myanmar , from 23 to 25 August 2018.
WFEO President Dr. Marlene Kanga visited the offices of Myanmar Engineering Council and ...

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WFEO participation in the 62nd IAEA General Conference

WFEO participation in the 62nd IAEA General Conference

Like every year, WFEO Past President Eng. Jorge Spitalnik and Executive Vice president and Chair of the WFEO-UN Relations Committee (WURC) Eng. Reginald Vachon attended the 62nd International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in Vienna, Austria, 17-21 September 2018.

They represented WFEO, an ...

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The 5th Africa Engineering Week

Report of the 5th Africa Engineering Week

The Institution of Engineers Kenya in collaboration with the Federation of African Engineering Organisations (FAEO) hosted the African Engineering Conference in Mombasa, Kenya, between 17 and 21 September, with the support from UNESCO and guidance from the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO).

The Theme of the Conference, “Harnessing Blue Economy for Accelerated Economic Growth”, is ...

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Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence during WIC2018 was successfully held in Tianjin, China

Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence during World Intelligence Congress WIC2018 was successfully held in Tianjin, China

The Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence was held on May 16th 2018 at the 2nd World Intelligence Congress (WIC2018), in Tianjin, China and was jointly organized by the Knowledge Society Division of United Nations Education ...

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