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WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

President Elect Dr. Marlene Kanga was a keynote speaker at the FIDIC 2017 Annual International Infrastructure Conference which was held in Jakarta from 1-3 Oct 2017.

Dr. Kanga was part of a panel of speakers on “Resilient Infrastructure – What Constitutes Resilience” at the opening plenary session of the conference. The session was moderated by Mr. Sean Chiao, MD Asia Pacific AECOM and speakers representing the infrastructure consulting and financing sector in Indonesia.

Dr. Kanga presents at the FIDIC 2017 Conference on Infrastructure Resilience - 2 October 2017

Dr. Kanga presents at the FIDIC 2017 Conference on Infrastructure Resilience, 2 October 2017


The panel addressed issues such as resilience required from the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, especially in an increasingly urbanised world. It considered issues such as financing needs and how these are being met through various models including Public-Private Partnerships and institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The panel also addressed how resilient systems can be designed and implemented and the needs for infrastructure for economic development in Indonesia.


The panel addressed issues such as resilience required from the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, especially in an increasingly urbanised world.


Dr. Kanga spoke about the work of the WFEO Standing Technical Committees in implementing policies and strategies for infrastructure resilience including the work of the Committee on the Environment and its codes of practice for sustainable development, the work of the Committee on Disaster Risk Management in developing manuals for earthquake and water related natural disasters and the work of the Committee on Anti-Corruption in contributing to the international anti-bribery standards ISO37001 and ongoing work with the Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) and the World Justice Project.

The presentation was well received and it is hope will lead to greater collaboration between FIDIC and WFEO to achieve the common goals and facilitate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

FIDIC 2017 Plenary Session on “What Constitutes Resilience”

FIDIC 2017 Plenary Session on “What Constitutes Resilience”. L to R: Sean Chiao, MD AECOM Asia Pacific, Dr. Marlene Kanga, World Federation of Engineering Organisations, Australia, Yusid Toyib, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia, Mike Geer –CDM Smith USA, Luky Eko Wuryanto, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Indonesia.


For more information:

  FIDIC 2017 Website

  FIDIC 2017 Wepage

  Committee on Anti Corruption website

  Committee on Disaster Risk Management website

  The Sustainable Development Goals webpage

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