The World Scientists and Engineers Congress (WSEC-2017) hosted the “Energy of the Future: Innovation scenarios and methods of their implementation” event held in Astana, Kazakhstan between June 19 and 21, 2017.
Declaration: At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a giant scientific, technological and economic breakthrough of mankind into a quality of renewable and alternative energy. For the first time in the world history, renewable energy technologies have become available for massive use in the most diverse regions of the world and have sharply increased their competitiveness, and this is the great achievement of scientists, world engineers, businessmen, major international and national organizations and companies operating in this area.
Key Speakers at WSEC-2017 included four Nobel Prize laureates, eight international “Global Energy” Prize winners and engineers from around the world. More than 80 presentations, models, round table discussions and 300 reports.
More than 1,000 prominent scientists and engineers from 51 countries around the world participated in this World Congress.
Topics included major achievements and trends in modern energy, ways and methods of solving global energy problems, analyzed and proposed new measures to intensify efforts aimed at achieving the goals of the new energy development, in four basic areas:
- Prospects and scenarios for the development of world energy until 2050.
- Balance of energy trilemma: security, accessibility and environmental sustainability.
- Development of energy resources: global trends, competitiveness, innovations and prospects for its use in Kazakhstan.
- Scientific human resourcing
The theme of the forum “Future energy: innovative scenarios and methods of their implementation” is consonant with the ideas of the international specialized exhibition EXPO 2017, held in Kazakhstan these days. Realizing the importance of modern environmental trends, our country consistently implements a large-scale technological modernization on the basis of the principles of “green economy”.
Today, the only reasonable paradigm of the future is the protection of the environment, the transition to an energy-saving economy and the rational use of natural resources. Creating a solid institutional framework for sustainable development is possible only through broad international dialogue and cooperation in the field of “green technologies”.
The productive exchange of scientific ideas and practical experience in this direction will contribute to the development of clean energy in all corners of the planet,” stated in Nazarbayev’s address.
Samuel Grossman, Chair of the WFEO Committee on Energy presented the report “Transforming the World and Wasted Organic Materials”. Mr. Grossman’s presentation made part of the session “Trends in the Development of World Energy Resources and Energy Markets”.
Report by Samuel Grossman.
For more information:
WSEC 2017 “Transforming the World and Wasted Organic Materials”
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ahrens’s report on WSEC 2017
WFEO Committee on Energy (CE) website
WSEC 2017 website
WFEO Committee on Energy (CE) website