José Macharé, Chair CDRM

José Macharé is engineer geologist by the National University of Engineering, in Lima; he holds a master and doctoral degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Paris at Orsay, and a Diploma on Public Management from the Center of High National Studies of Peru.
He has served both to the private and public sectors as research scientist and engineer. His investigations deal with the role of the active faults on the seismic hazard assessment, and on past global changes. In the applied field, he worked on the influence of geological structure on metallogeny and mineral exploration.
José has been Scientific Director of the Geophysical Institute of Peru and of the Geological Survey (INGEMMET). Currently, he teaches tectonics, structural, marine and Quaternary geology, in Lima.
José is member of the National Academy of Science, the Peruvian Association of Engineers, the Geological Society of Peru, fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists, the America Geophysical Union, and the European Geoscience Union. He holds the Medal to the Peruvian Engineering and was awarded Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms by the French government.
Contact José Macharé at disaster-risk-management @ wfeo . org (without the spaces)