Martin Manuhwa, Chair CECB

Martin Manuhwa

Martin Manuhwa is an electrical and energy consultant engineer and is currently the Managing Director of Zimbabwe Africa Infrastructure Development Group (ZAIDG) a company that specializes in Engineering Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM). His engineering practice is in energy, construction projects, work-site project implementation and management.

Martin teaches part time Engineering graduate students at the Zimbabwe National Defense University and has taught MBAs and MBLs at the University of Zimbabwe and Bindura University of Science Education respectively.

His research interest is in the use of Management Information Systems in construction and project management and he is currently a Doctoral Associate at the University of Cape Town where he is researching on the link of ICTs in the Industrial 4.0 Revolution and Productivity in Engineering Projects.

He sits in the advisory Council of the London based Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC). Martin has previously worked for ZESA and Lon-Rho in various capacities in his engineering career. He is the Past President of the Southern African Federation of Engineering Organisations (SAFEO), and also the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE). He is the immediate past President of the Federation of African Engineering Organisations.

Contact the committee chair at capacity-building @ wfeo . org (without the spaces)