Global Engineering Conference – GECO
The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is the global organization for the engineering profession. Founded in 1968, under the auspices of UNESCO, WFEO brings together national engineering institutions from some 100 nations and represents more than 30 million engineers.

WFEO President
Events Calendar
Events Calendar June 2020
GECO Conference

The Institution of Engineers Rwanda, WFEO, the Rwanda Ministry of Infrastructure, UNESCO and FAEO will host the Global Engineering Conference and the WFEO Executive Council Meetings from 15 to 18 October 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda.

Africa Engineering Week

The Order of Engineers of Angola, UNESCO, the Federation of African Engineering Organisations and WFEO organize the 10th Africa Engineering Week and the 8th Africa Engineering Conference on 9-13 September.

World Engineering Day

This year’s World Engineering Day was a great success ! The theme was “Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World” and the main event was celebrated in Lisbon, Portugal, with a conference organized at the Ordem dos Engenheiros headquarters.


The Framework Agreement between WFEO and UNESCO has been renewed on 28 June. WFEO President Mustafa Shehu and UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences Dr. Lidia Brito signed the Agreement which will expire in March 2032.

WFEO at STI Forum

Within the 9th STI Forum held from 9 and 10 May 2024 at the UN HQ, WFEO and ISC organized the side event Better leveraging Science, Technology, Innovation and Engineering for accelerating progress on the SDGs.

Circular Cities Network

Mustafa Shehu participated in the Presidential Roundtable meetings of the Circular Cities Network (CCN) that took place between 24 and 26 June 2024 in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Engineers Europe Annual Business Meetings

WFEO Executive Vice-President Ania Lopez and Member of the Executive Council Alain Jouanjus participated in the Engineers Europe Annual Business Meetings held in Dublin, Ireland, on 30 and 31 May 2024.

WIE webinar to celebrate INWED

The WFEO Committee on Women in Engineering organized the webinar “The Lives of Women: Enhanced by Engineering” in celebration of the International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on Friday 21 June 2024.

Leading Practices in Project Management

The four-day training program on “Leading Practices in Project Management and Engineering for Future Project Managers” was held from 2 to 5 June 2024 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

WFEO webinar on ISO Technical TCs

The WFEO Secretariat hosted a webinar on ISO Technical Committees participation. This webinar is of special interest for recently appointed WFEO representatives in ISO TCs, and for any member who may consider applying.

Climate Change Education in SIDS

WFEO delivers Climate Change Education in SIDS, in partnership with UNESCO, Institution of Engineers Mauritius, the Office for Climate Education, the Mauritius Ministry of Education, the Mauritius National Commission to UNESCO and Mauritius Institute of Education.


The publication of the Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPC) Framework with UNESCO and WFEO is an important outcome for WFEO, its members and its partners. It ensures that the GAPC is the pre-eminent international benchmark for engineering education and professional competencies.

Distinguished Associate

Consolidated Contractors Company
