News & Reports

Massive Open On-Line Course – Sustainability in Practice – Seventh Delivery

After six previous successful offerings and more than 9,000 participants worldwide, Engineers Canada and Polytechnique Montréal have opened registration for a seventh offering of their free online course, Sustainability in Practice.

The massive open online course is offered in both English and French and uses real-life case studies from across Canada to demonstrate the practical application of WFEO’s 10 principles of sustainable development and environmental stewardship for engineers.

The course is completed entirely online and can be completed at each participant’s own pace. After all six previous editions of the course, an overwhelming majority of participants have attested to the high quality of the training content and agreed that what they learned would be useful to them in their professional and personal life.

More than 95 per cent of participants have said that they would recommend the course to a colleague or friend.

The seventh edition of Sustainability in Practice begins October 20, 2021. Participants have until December 15, 2021, to complete the course at their own pace. Registration closes on December 1, 2021.

An optional Certificate of Completion is available following successful completion of the course at a cost of $75 CAN.

For more information:

  Register for the MOOC Sustainability in Practice

  S’inscrire au MOOC L’ingénierie durable

  WFEO Code of Practice for Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship

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