CDRM Courses

The online courses are available on a platform based on the Moodle system, are free of charge, however the issuance of the certificate of participation will cost 50 dollars.

This is a joint project between WFEO-CDRM and the Peruvian Engineers Association (CIP).

Information: wfeo-cdrm(at)


Managing the risk of debris and mud flow-related disasters

Gestión del riesgo de desastres ante la ocurrencia con flujos de lodo y detritos

Course offered in English with translation to Spanish
It comprises six modules and will be taught by specialists from the United States, Italy, Colombia, Norway, Greece and Switzerland.
*Course starts 13 April 2021

More information in this page.

Risk Management for Tsunami-Related Disasters

Gestión del riesgo de desastres relacionados con tsunamis

Course offered in English and Spanish
It comprised 5 modules and was taught by specialists from Japan, Peru and Canada.
*Completed course

Management of Volcanic Risk

Gestión de Riesgos Volcánicos

Course offered in Spanish
It comprises eight modules and will be taught by specialists from Ecuador, Colombia, Costa, Chile, Mexico, Guatemala and Peru.
*Available course